Can We Get a Little Help Here?

The container was scheduled to be delivered to the house the Friday we were away. I had planned to come back just for the delivery, but the customer service rep assured me it would be fine. Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong, could it?

To this day, I remember exactly where I was when the driver called to let me know the container wouldn’t be delivered. He explained that the driveway was too narrow, and he had concerns about wires and the telephone pole right next to the driveway. I asked him if he could place the container out in front of the house and he told me no, that would be against city regulations. So back to the local storage facility it went.

At this point, I needed to find a quick way to get our stuff without paying a whole lot more than I already had. Renting a moving van seemed the best solution. I considered a larger truck, but with my luck, I would back into something and cause some kind of damage, so I opted for the van.

After picking up the rental van, we set off to hunt down the storage container. I had already made arrangements to have the container ready so we could unpack it. Now it was just a matter of finding it.

As we pulled into the parking lot of the storage facility, we could see the stacked containers to the side of the building, so I knew we were at the right place. Once inside the building though, we couldn’t find the office. The place seemed deserted. There was no one to ask for help, and none of the doors had signs.

Since we couldn’t find the office, we went back to the van and drove around to the back. We found a door leading inside a warehouse, where storage containers were stacked four and five high. It reminded me of the warehouse at the end of the movie ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark.’

Eventually we found someone to help us. They directed us to our container outside and informed us that we had until the next day to complete the unloading.

It is important to note that it was the middle of summer, and it was really hot and sunny that day. Understandably, we were quite sweaty after our first trip, so we had decided to take a break and grab some lunch.

After three trips and a call for some additional help with the couch and a dresser, we finished the move. I had gone into the bathroom to wash my hands, and upon looking in the mirror, I was horrified to see a not-so-small white piece of paper stuck to my nose. All I could think of was how long this monstrosity had been there. At no point did my son say anything. I’d probably spent most of the day with this paper stuck to my nose, completely unaware, speaking to the rental place people, ordering lunch in line (which was packed for lunch, by the way), and also with the person who helped move the couch and dresser.

To say the move was easy would be an extreme understatement. I know anytime you move, there are things that don’t go as planned. But with this move, once the dominos started to fall, and boy did they fall, they didn’t stop until we were done. I was just glad that we finally got moved in and ready to start on the house, which, of course, would be a walk in the park

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